I am very aware of the on-going war within the believers regarding HOLINESS and the LIFESTYLE that should be the FRUIT OF IT.  I believe I have an answer that should impact every type of believer with regards to being HOLY, and that is THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS.  The BLOOD is the sanctifying influence that has been given for our forgiveness and pardon.  If the BLOOD SHED FOR US does not inspire our lives to become HOLY, no preaching of mine will ever do it.

I think many of the church do not even consider that they have been bought by and freed by HIS PRECIOUS BLOOD and this should be reason enough to BE HOLY, not just being shouted to about it. 

Have you really looked lately at the STRUGGLING MAN on the tree as HE seeks to RECONCILE US and help us to be more than we are?  Have you looked at the terrific price that HE PAID for you and yet you will walk away and not be moved to PURSUE  HOLINESS? 

Those of you that argue for your personal rights and desires have become BLIND TO THE BLOOD and have allowed your own wants and wills to ARGUE against such an AWESOME DISPLAY OF LOVE.  If you need a reason to be OBEDIENT, GO LOOK AGAIN AT THE CROSS and see how much HE PAID FOR YOU.

I am very stunned by the ongoing arrogance and attitude of so many that feel their opinions or even those of other folks who weigh in so heavy that THE BLOOD just does not count. 

Paul says if one dies for all, then all were dead and that we should not live anymore unto ourselves, but UNTO HIM THAT DIED FOR US.  The reason we must be HOLY flows from HIS BODY, HE POURED OUT HIS VERY LIFE FOR US.  Can any of us refuse to do what HE ASKS? 

The BLOOD should be the only MOTIVE needed for our own drive to be all we should be.  If the BLOOD does not inspire you, it surely reveals that YOU’RE PERVERTED IN YOUR OWN VALUES and consider your ways SUPERIOR TO HIS.


~ Jeff Arnold

Five More Minutes – Book Two  (188)

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