One Wind ~ Four Directions ~ One Director (Book $12 - 105 Pages)
One Wind ~ Four Directions ~ One Director (Book $12 - 105 Pages)
" . . . He bringeth the wind out of his treasuries" Psalm 135:7 KJV
There is a wind, and the Bible says it can come from the North, the South, the East and the West.
In this book, Rev. Jeff Arnold teaches that God uses the wind as His servant. It does not move upon its own command. It is sent - and it is allowed to blow at our lives, because God wants to affect us - to impact us - to challenge us and to offer us grace.
From the North comes God's judgment.
The South wind brings temptation and deception.
The East wind is the wind of affliction and trial.
The West wind carries God's mercy and kindness
This book will help you understand your own whirlwind and recognize God's desire to help you and guide you through your life.
Note: This book and series includes 4 nights of sermons.